Freedom Financial Solutions

“Financial Freedom has now taken on a whole new meaning. After 30 years in wealth creation advice including tax minimisation, debt reduction, shares, managed funds, property, mortgages and more the last few years has changed everything. Its no longer about wealth creation - its about wealth protection. We are entering into unchartered territory with unprecedented government debt, supply chains crashing, chaos in our building, health and education sectors, rapidly falling property prices and a share market on the edge. How can you keep your wealth safe? I don't have all the answers but i have a few. Watch my videos to find out more.” Cass Smith

Our services range from simple tax and accounting enquiries, to more complex areas such as business and property structuring, setting up and managing a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF), as well as mortgage and property investment support.

Location: Canberra, ACT




Phone: 1300 333 121



Media Glue


Eden Seeds & Select Organic